“We get to walk free because of Jesus Christ.”

Do you remember the story in Matthew Chapter 27?

      This account is a powerful one because it bleeds the incomprehensible love that came by loyalty, courage, and faith.

But the story also filled in the lines of betrayal, treachery, guilt and shame.   It was a vote by the multitude to assign a prisoner to their death and to release one.   You had Barabbas, a notorious criminal, then you had Jesus, the man who claimed he knew God, even to say that he was the Christ.  

“Which prisoner shall we release?” They said. The multitude raged, “Release Barabbas! Stone Jesus, Stone Jesus!” 

A beloved spirit would perish.  But only for a short while.

 This Jesus, also known to be the Lamb of God, had been wrongly accused of a crime he did not commit.  But a crime that belonged to someone else.  So, he was nailed to a cross as corporal punishment and left to suffer.

  Many walked by only to mock him, saying, “Let your God save you.” “You say, that you are Christ the King of heaven and earth then bring yourself down.”

Nine hours he hung upon the cross in excruciating pain.  His precious blood dripped on the cross, giving it life as his death came near.    In the wake of his suffering, he cried out to God, “Father, why have you abandoned me?” Matthew 27:46

 His lifeless body gave up the spirit.   That same spirit now lives in you and me.  It is a gift to be cherished.  We call it the gift of the holy ghost. 

You see, Christ had a choice. He could have easily refused to reject his mission and denied his purpose.  But he was loyal. He was loyal to his Heavenly Father.  (John 6:38) He fulfilled that promise with a price.  The price of every person on this earth, every person who lives now, has died and who will come to earth.  We shed innocent blood; we are the criminals.  We are the “Barabbas.” But in Gods great mercy we get to walk free because of His beloved Son Jesus Christ.  Not only to live now but to live when this life is over. Maybe in some way we can repay him. 

It is simply not enough to believe on His name but to fulfil his name by the way we live. Jesus Christ saved the world through a selfless act, that we all should take heed too. Perhaps breathing Him into our lives and releasing the Barabbas out of us to receive the holy ghost may be a gift to Christ. 

1 Corinthians 6:20

For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”

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