Introduce Yourself

     I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

  Yep, you did not read incorrectly that’s what I wrote.  😉

Now I know what you’re thinking: What?! Religion still exist!?

yes, of course, it does!

Tying back to God or religion is a way of life. It allows you to live a certain way.  It’s who you are! It is also a choice.  But did you know investing in a religion is equally the same as looking into a college or school?  Why do we fill out college applications? To get accepted of course, but it is also to select an institution of your choice! You get to choose. Why is choosing a religion any different?   This part is not about the highest attendance or the increasing membership of a church but it’s about discovering what’s inside a church.   

The day of my Baptism… Changed my whole life. I share this Gospel because it can change yours too.

  As well as it is not about pride, stamped with the best-selling ribbon, it’s about seeking divine truths.  The question lies, how exactly do we find that truth?  And I could provide you one simple answer: It starts with the stubborn you.  The same as you find the will to fill out a college application whether you’re ready for it or not, you find the will to open scripture.  You find the will to sit with God and bring your questions.  (He loves questions and is eager to hear from you!)

  I wear my badge with honors as a missionary of {The church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.}  Missionary work is an essential part of bringing Heavenly Fathers plan to work. My life reflects what missionaries invested in me.  I am branded with Gods love, because he loved me first.

From left to right,
Sister Clark, Sister Howard sharing scripture out of The Book Of Mormon.

I am in this mortal mission for my family, I am in it that I may see a reduction of hate in this society, that I may increase the light in the world by simply living my faith and bringing people closer to Christ.     

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