
My hope is that we can be ONE

“Silence was the enemy.”

“The cross is not a stereotype, it’s not a selective margin thing, it’s a thing where you come together generating a diversity from all walks of life to teach the abiding truth of Jesus Christ where we can welcome, uplift, carry and empower the weary mind.”

     “Come and follow me into a world of compassion, love, and endless mercy for you are a soul I will not lose,” – He says. 

Alma 39:17 Behold, I say unto you, is not a soul at this time as precious unto God as a soul will be at the time of his coming?

Do you strive to keep peace even when differences apply?  

When did people start looking different? When did we forget that we are all eligible for repentance? 

  I’m here to tell the tale, there is a rumor going on: if you are different oppose to ordinary or carry a weight of sin, you are going to “hell?”

The Final Judgement will not be an evaluation of good acts versus bad acts… it will be an evaluation of who we have become.

Examining this rumor I will conclude that if this is true, then not one of us is making it into heaven. “No not one soul.”

  We know God because of our sins, without our sin we would not have known him. Our sins are the pain that allowed for change. An example of this analogy is the art of agriculture: Cow manure provides for a nutrient-rich fertilizer. It looks ugly at first but then becomes something beautiful at the end. Our sins in that way are the ugliness that is necessary for something else to take place. This change happens in our hearts not from what we look like in the outside. Our sins allow us to repent to build a relationship with God in whoever we are and where we are.

(1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no Sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.)

Have you not heard of the man they call Gentle? He was a man filled with compassion.  He injected love to all those who received him and who would not love him.  He was a just soul more than any soul who ever walked the earth.  That story is not a tale, it’s a truth.  Its as real as you and I.  Hard to believe huh?  There is more to this story!  

To not only finding rejection and hate– incredibly he gave mercy to us. The person reading this, – YOU, including myself. The mercy he gave was tied to a cross, in exchange that we could give mercy to others. Compassion and love are his message, silence was the enemy. Jesus Christ the immortal Son of God broke that silence through his death. Today we have voices because of Him.

Another truth?  Straight, Gay, Black, White, Cool or Nerd we are all Gods children, and YOU ALL BELONG!   

Continue reading “My hope is that we can be ONE”

Who Am I? A thought of a Christian

My name is Darcel Rossette often I refer myself as Sister Rossette.

Many times, I think how the world is so noisy that it can interrupt my faith. But I don’t let it. I am just like everyone else who has had to fight to maintain a relationship with God. A deep relationship with God.

Because in every corner there is an advertisement for popularity, for acceptance, for power and materials that credit your self-worth.

It is rare I get the time to work on myself as a Writer. It is rare that I get to sit behind a computer and reflect on my world. I am a mother with small children who light up my soul in every way. And I know it will get easier with time.

I am a religious influencer. My life revolves around Jesus Christ and his teachings. I hardly get to see the side of me that succeeds. Because I am so busy helping others do exactly that- win. And how they win is seeing that there is “more to life than this.”

There is beauty and enjoyment in the tiny fragments of your family. There is hope in your heavy heart when jobs, people, or your professional self don’t work out and disappoint you.

There is laughter when pain overthrows you. I am just a simple Christian writer who lives to tell you that God provides. He provides the foundation when so many of us feel the emptiness the world engulfs us with.

So, who I am?

“Abused women.” “Can you regain your confidence?”

Abuser: “men who chronically make their partners feel mistreated or devalued.”

God has placed women as a special flower to man. Adam was created, not because women needed a man but because God knew men needed a women.

We see, the rib that was taken from Adam, the Lord blessed, and created a woman- “Eve” that she could accompany man in the imbalances of his life. But Adam did not see Eve as equal. Genesis 2:22-23

Since the beginning, this ideal that women remain below men tragically continue. We have become so custom to being mistreated by our partners that it seems a normal part of our relationships. The abuse is tricky, sneaky and manipulative that at times we don’t even recognize it.

It is not that women do not have the power to get out of an abusive relationship. It is the value that has been reduced along the way from her abuser. The abuser has left her so diminished she has lost her identity, her dreams, her dignity and the human in her.

But the sun still shines and birds still chirp, the mountains still thrive, and the wind still sings. An abused woman in the same way raises to her feet. She cheers for the deliverance as the chains fall off her ankles. She sprints to her freedom, and STOMPS on fear.

The entitlement is not his, but it is hers. She has the special rights and privileges to not allow disrespect. She is more intelligent, more competent, more logical and more spiritually adequate to stand up to her giants.

Regaining your confidence begins by taking back what’s yours. Once it begins, you emerge into this special flower that was hidden and now is seen. ❤


The Book of Mormon

What is The Book of Mormon?

I have never heard of The Book of Mormon up until my early twenties when I was a young student at Texas Tech University. It was then when two sister missionaries approached me.

When The Book of Mormon was placed into my hand, I felt an instant connection. I felt at peace. This Book, that is so controversial and so argumentized to many people around the world- changed my entire life.

The Book of Mormon to a now 37-year-old woman whose never read scripture or has been consistent in a church has become one to be loyal to Jesus Christ and his mission.

The Book of Mormon is proof of Gods existence. It shows you how to treat others, it talks about love, children and families. The Book of Mormon reaches out to those who seek for healing both physical and spiritual.

The pages of this doctrine are not just “pages.” This is not just a “book.” It is an outspoken miracle that the human race so desperately seeks. It is redemption waiting at your door. It is finding God and never letting Him go.

My name is sister Darcel Rossette and my sweetest thoughts to you is… “if you ever come across this wonderful reading as I did, whether it be by accident or by purpose do not let it go. Hold on to it tightly and you will see your world unfold to a glorious path to life unceasing.” Amen

Preserving your identity in Motherhood

Motherhood: a time where your energy is invested to expand the life into another tiny human being and can be the most rewarding event of your life.

“I’m tired!”

“I’m overwhelmed!”

“I get no time to myself!”

I understand all three of these complaints all too perfectly. While motherhood is so special, it can also be hard. It can be hard when you find yourself totally exhausted to the point where you can’t find the ability to concentrate. It can at times be tedious, monotoned and fast playing.

Those emotional mountains do not get a vocation. (Keep wishing!) I think many moms feel some of the things I have felt. In the middle of all the crying and the pile of laundry that never seems to end, its easy to get lost in the misleading impression that we have some type of lack of ambition.

This is where you fight to preserve your identity. YOU matter too mom! Mom is just as important as baby. Mothers too often forget about themselves. So do the things you once loved before you became a mother. Be wildly inspired through other acts that are positive, uplifting, and innovating.

You are the chorographer in the life of mothering, dance your meaning to the music and allow your permanent identity to take over.

Here are a few things that can help you remain a healthy version of yourself that have also helped me:

  1. Eat foods that will boost your mood – fast foods, sugary products will slow you down and make you tired (you need all the energy you can get)
  2. Avoid negative people – no need to add more stress
  3. Grow your spirituality – when your life is centered on God and his Gospel nothing can ever go permanently wrong; Without it no success can ever go permanently right.
  4. Exercise – So many benefits to exercising, don’t put in an excuse, make an excuse to win!
  5. Be kind to yourself – You are doing a great job mama!
  6. And number six! Love God with all your heart mind and soul! ❤

The end of literacy and the triumph of TikTok

“In 2007, 80 percent of the families in the United States did not buy or read a book. There are 7 million illiterate Americans. Another 27 million are unable to read well enough to complete a job application, and 30 million can’t read a simple sentence. Illiteracy is epidemic. ”

– Empire of Illusion Chris Hedges

We have measured our lives by those we admire on the screen or fantasize to be like them. We imagine that fame, popularity and ghostly followers are our key to be praised and belonged. But we do not care about permanent values or permanent identities.

Instead, we engulf ourselves into the mass culture, we are shape shifters asking to be fooled. The American society we once lived in is abandoned by the smog of illusion. Its fairy-tale land as the scene of pinocchio’s pleasure island of tricked little children who traded in their books for stupidity and ignorance.

The spectacle is contributed to the fear of never being known, never being visible. We fear anonymity. The new culture of our society suffers from mental health issues from well-known platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat. As we continue to fume in these non-literacy entertainments our souls in the process die. Our response to empathy is overridden by the jerkness social media makes us to become. Without philosophy, arts, intelligence and character we are subject as puppet masters as they hold our strings while we lose ourselves to moral bankruptcy.

Six ways to help children grow spiritually

  1. Be Patient

We all secretly desire for perfect kids. We want respectful children. We want them to be obedient. We want them to Say, “Please, Thank you, You’re welcome.” But the truth is we don’t get to have those kids right away. Some anthropology: Expect children to be disrespectful, violent, even savages at times. (I know, it’s awful!) children are born into our arms, it is our job to raise them to be civil. To carry morals that will hone their character. And with Christ-like love and patience our little human beings will grow into healthy spiritual eaters.

2) Don’t force them to pray

Parents ought to not force little children to pray, they should invite children to pray. As we model prayerful activity our youngsters will follow suit.

3) Read the scriptures out loud

Books are encouraged at any age. And so are the holy words of God. We are a busy culture. Make time to read the scriptures together as a family- While your child baths and play in their bubbles. They don’t necessarily need to have complete focus just as long as the verses come out and are brought into their presence, God will find a way into their tiny ears.

4) Establish a Gospel centered-home

Decorate your home with Gospel love. Pray that it is protected. Be careful who you invite into your home. Take your child with you when you attend church meetings, missionary work. Tag them along to give or/witness a priesthood blessing. Repeated exposure to beautiful things will allow for a beautiful soul to emerge.

5) Turn real life moments from examples from the Savior

Little Children will be presented with all kinds of influences. They will be peer pressured into situations where their morals will be challenged. They will be asked to remove themselves from godliness to fit popular demands. But real-life moments can be orchestrated from the examples of the Savior and how he lived his life. How he fought temptation and kept his faith even in trying times.

6) Teach them to never forget the people that suffer

Always remind your kids that they are so blessed. If you have running water, food at your reach, clothes that cover your body and shelter where love and family is present.. — they have a very rich life. We must teach our smallest group that there are parts of the world where those things do not happen for some children. We can always awake to the grateful things of life. And to teach, to never forget the people that suffer.

To this I leave in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

“Can’t pray the Gay away” -A walk in my shoes Ben Schilaty

       We have Christians in a battle to convert the “untamed” a theology that “if we convert these people, they will snap out of their awful ways” and we would all live happier lives. It’s an ideal presented one way to think.  One way to live.  One way to love. One way to be.

But we know that life is not a one-way street.  There are detours, there are roadblocks, there are bumpy pavements, there are slopes that cannot be curved, there are delays in traffic and so much more.  To think there are so many ways to life, it’s crazy to place that one-way street in a tiny box.

     But Gods incalculable love is proof that His way is not at all black and white.  God is mercy in itself.   3 Nephi 17:7 Have ye any that are sick among you? Bring them hither.  Have you any that are lame, or blind, or halt, or maimed, or leprous, or that are withered, or that are deaf, or that are afflicted in any manner? Bring them hither and I will heal them, for I have compassion upon you; my bowels are filled with mercy. God understands our challenges, our circumstances and our intentions.

To stop and ponder Gods Creation.  Are people all alike?   No, they are different, they have different texture hair, color of skin, accents of native language, the shape of our features, and how we view the world is subject to how we treat others.

    I believe our hardest challenge today is to see others as the Savior sees them.  To love all humankind without question. To love people without the ongoing investigation.   God’s gift of free choice cultivates that love within us. We choose how we want to love others and how that love is disbursed.

Contrary, there is murder in our hearts when we try to take away a person’s life in order to fit ours.   1 Nephi 17:44 Wherefore, ye are murderers in your heart and ye are like unto them, ye are swift to judge quickly but slow to remember the Lord your God. (emphasis added) You try to take away an existence, an identity, you are trying to eliminate a group of people, ideals and customs.  Most of the Christian world believe this life is a test.

I believe this too.  I believe this life is a test whether to see if we would choose good versus evil. And I also believe this is a test to see if we would submit to love all our brothers and sisters.  Those within our own chapels, those who hold no membership, those with no faith, and those of our LGBT+ brothers and sisters.  1Nephi 11:22 It is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things.

I believe it is possible to love God, gain access to his truth while being in another tribe, such as LGBTQ.  To the LGBTQ family: Walk forward with confidence, hope and dignity.  You are a literal son and daughter of God. That is your eternal identity. You may acquire other identities in this mortal frame.  A dentist, a doctor, black heritage, white heritage, a farmer, business partner.

We are all deserving of heavenly love and are needed and wanted.  Above all, the gift of charity, and “whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him.” Moroni 7:47

I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ

Delusional Society We have tricked ourselves into a world of happiness

“Feeling blue? Doctors now say you can lie yourself into happiness. By creating self-deceptions, no matter how negative [your problem], it can be turned into a positive and you’ll have greater [happiness].” – Radio Advertisement

A bag of trickery is what becomes of us. The world is caving in. It is feeding the human mind that reality should never meet us. We sit behind a pocket device that constantly draws our attention 24hrs a day. We share admiration with people who live on billboards. Right at birth little children imitate singers who hold no morality.

Too many of us follow things that don’t matter. Too many of us have dishonest characters for role models. Our thoughts and behavior are based on whats “trending.”

Self-delusion has become part of our daily lives. And living in a delusional society has weakened our ability to emphasize with one another. We have run away from reality rather then facing it. It is an absurd illusion of happiness.

But where do we find things that are real when we are condition to fakery? How can we recognize authenticity when its right in front of us?

Here’s a path for you my friend.. Its abiding in scripture, it is love, it is service, its meek and lowly in heart, it is everything the world isn’t. We are on a sandy foundation when we choose to stray away from the Rock that is our ultimate happiness. His name is Jesus Christ. The rock that is our foundation and the Hope that is needed in the world. ‘Wake up from False happiness and live a life in Christ!” ❤


Losing a Dad..

Daddy, you are very loved.

You are in my constant thoughts where you are above. I miss you. I wish you didn’t go. My heart is empty now with nothing there to show.

But I know where you have gone and its not very far. God has taken you under his wing and made himself a guard.

I love you daddy, I will see you again. In the meantime, my heart will need to learn to mend.

Children and table manners gone wrong

When Jesus Christ administered the Sacrament known as the last supper He not only gave his disciples simple instructions but He also showed them ways of good table manners. Matthew 26

The modern table manners today are taking out your electronic device while eating. It is avoiding human contact for the sake of inconvenience and nervousness. Children observe this communication as a way of escaping social interaction. It is a normal way to adapt and function. It has become a natural way of hiding behind our values.

For many parents a restaurant is an inconvenience because they want to eat in peace. They do not want to deal with yelling children. As we all have done it, we’ve witnessed tablets and electronic devices handed out as a way to keep children quiet. But how does this parent-convenance affect our children?

We must teach them to be involved at the dinner table.

By giving permission to children to use technology at the dinner table you are telling them that they do not need to be involved during family time. You are telling them its okay to be excluded. That their presence is minimum.

We must remember that parents and guardians were entertaining their children long before the advent of technology and way before it disrupted our values and way of living.

In this I say, in the name of Jesus Christ Amen