My hope is that we can be ONE

“Silence was the enemy.”

“The cross is not a stereotype, it’s not a selective margin thing, it’s a thing where you come together generating a diversity from all walks of life to teach the abiding truth of Jesus Christ where we can welcome, uplift, carry and empower the weary mind.”

     “Come and follow me into a world of compassion, love, and endless mercy for you are a soul I will not lose,” – He says. 

Alma 39:17 Behold, I say unto you, is not a soul at this time as precious unto God as a soul will be at the time of his coming?

Do you strive to keep peace even when differences apply?  

When did people start looking different? When did we forget that we are all eligible for repentance? 

  I’m here to tell the tale, there is a rumor going on: if you are different oppose to ordinary or carry a weight of sin, you are going to “hell?”

The Final Judgement will not be an evaluation of good acts versus bad acts… it will be an evaluation of who we have become.

Examining this rumor I will conclude that if this is true, then not one of us is making it into heaven. “No not one soul.”

  We know God because of our sins, without our sin we would not have known him. Our sins are the pain that allowed for change. An example of this analogy is the art of agriculture: Cow manure provides for a nutrient-rich fertilizer. It looks ugly at first but then becomes something beautiful at the end. Our sins in that way are the ugliness that is necessary for something else to take place. This change happens in our hearts not from what we look like in the outside. Our sins allow us to repent to build a relationship with God in whoever we are and where we are.

(1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no Sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.)

Have you not heard of the man they call Gentle? He was a man filled with compassion.  He injected love to all those who received him and who would not love him.  He was a just soul more than any soul who ever walked the earth.  That story is not a tale, it’s a truth.  Its as real as you and I.  Hard to believe huh?  There is more to this story!  

To not only finding rejection and hate– incredibly he gave mercy to us. The person reading this, – YOU, including myself. The mercy he gave was tied to a cross, in exchange that we could give mercy to others. Compassion and love are his message, silence was the enemy. Jesus Christ the immortal Son of God broke that silence through his death. Today we have voices because of Him.

Another truth?  Straight, Gay, Black, White, Cool or Nerd we are all Gods children, and YOU ALL BELONG!   

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