Teenage pregnancy, Worldwide view of sex, and the worth of waiting

“The sins of the flesh are the most common because we never had a physical body coming to mortality, and therefore we are inexperience on how to curb our desires or control our passions.” – Worth Waiting For Brent A. Barlow Worldwide the view of sex has been a controversial display of “letting go andContinue reading “Teenage pregnancy, Worldwide view of sex, and the worth of waiting”

Daycare or At-Home care?

I know many wonderful moms who have good intentions on bringing up well rounded children. Even righteous children of God. Because of pressures of society, women are torn between choosing a domestic life or a career. Leaving them to abandon their home life because what is depicted on movies, social media, and the false imageContinue reading “Daycare or At-Home care?”

Toddlers out of sports and into parks

When my 18-month-old daughter got pulled into gymnastics, I was thrilled.  I was recommended by a family member to allow my daughter to reach for something other than the at-home activities.    Sure. That sounds reasonable. “I’ll give it a go!” I said. Of course, seeing my excited infant in her black and purple leotard,Continue reading “Toddlers out of sports and into parks”