Who Am I? A thought of a Christian

My name is Darcel Rossette often I refer myself as Sister Rossette. Many times, I think how the world is so noisy that it can interrupt my faith. But I don’t let it. I am just like everyone else who has had to fight to maintain a relationship with God. A deep relationship with God.Continue reading “Who Am I? A thought of a Christian”

“Abused women.” “Can you regain your confidence?”

Abuser: “men who chronically make their partners feel mistreated or devalued.” God has placed women as a special flower to man. Adam was created, not because women needed a man but because God knew men needed a women. We see, the rib that was taken from Adam, the Lord blessed, and created a woman- “Eve”Continue reading ““Abused women.” “Can you regain your confidence?””

Preserving your identity in Motherhood

Motherhood: a time where your energy is invested to expand the life into another tiny human being and can be the most rewarding event of your life. “I’m tired!” “I’m overwhelmed!” “I get no time to myself!” I understand all three of these complaints all too perfectly. While motherhood is so special, it can alsoContinue reading “Preserving your identity in Motherhood”

Bipolar Disorder come knock on my door

John 9:3 And his disciples asked him, saying Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be manifested in him. My memory trails off from waves of abuse — the illness thatContinue reading “Bipolar Disorder come knock on my door”

“LIKES” do they define your identity?

‘There is more to this life than trying to accomplish “LIKES.” I’ve found that our lives are driven by external accomplishments. Looking into adults dealing with anxiety to the youth experiencing depression by the endless performance to maintain their social-networking profiles. Why people feel so empty inside is a reaction to their online world. HowContinue reading ““LIKES” do they define your identity?”

Daycare or At-Home care?

I know many wonderful moms who have good intentions on bringing up well rounded children. Even righteous children of God. Because of pressures of society, women are torn between choosing a domestic life or a career. Leaving them to abandon their home life because what is depicted on movies, social media, and the false imageContinue reading “Daycare or At-Home care?”

Jesus Christ: Do you Hear Him?

There are many who have felt God’s love. And there are many who have not had that chance; Where the Gospel has not yet reach them, even more sadly, may not reach them in this life time.     As we hold the title Christians to our hearts, do we truly know what we’re suppose toContinue reading “Jesus Christ: Do you Hear Him?”

Children of all color hearts and minds

“To teach our children empathy we first must have empathy in us.  To teach our children to feel within our hearts rather than with the eyes we must first learn to view the world in the lens of the Savior who had the most compassion, upon all people.”     What does it mean to beContinue reading “Children of all color hearts and minds”

Less Daycare, More Mommies

In a Nation where Christian values are profound it suffers from the weakest family structure      We have made it culturally acceptable to separate child from mother at such an early age. In the chimpanzee world, the infant chimp remains with its mother until the age of five. A human child doesn’t even get toContinue reading “Less Daycare, More Mommies”

To the parent of an LGBTQ youth

“I believe we rob God of his ministry when we are Selective in His ministry. “ 3 NEPHI 18:25 I have commanded that none of you should go away but that ye may feel my love. This post is dedicated to our LGBT+ brothers and sisters who are the least to be recognized for theirContinue reading “To the parent of an LGBTQ youth”