Accepting of LGBT+ And I love God too

       ROMANS chapter 1 The wrath of God rest on those guilty of murder, homosexual practices, fornication, and other sins if the guilty do not repent.

Homosexuality falls on the category of sin equally labeled as having sex outside of marriage, envy, disobedient to parents, atheist’s, all equal the same amount of unrighteousness according to the Bible. And at least one of these sins you can relate too. But a persons identity or sexual orientation is a greater punishment? But neither does the Bible say one sin is greater than the other. Rather it reads *all* repent and be guiltless.

In another blog I dedicated called, Children of all color, hearts and minds I mentioned that we cannot truly understand the depths of all things or why some things exist; where did LGBTQ begin? What are its causes? The notion is, there is so much we simply do not know.

I invite you to ponder your own struggles and terms with God. None are perfect, but even at that we are mindful by our Heavenly Father. We must aim to see peoples situations rather than judging the people themselves. It is when we can do this we find a better person in each of us dividing ourselves not according to our sin but from the prejudices in our hearts.

In Jesus Christ Amen

Children of all color hearts and minds

“To teach our children empathy we first must have empathy in us.  To teach our children to feel within our hearts rather than with the eyes we must first learn to view the world in the lens of the Savior who had the most compassion, upon all people.”

    What does it mean to be a parent?

It can be overwhelming but also wonderful.  So much to teach from biblical to universal.

    But some of the things we are trying to teach in the contemporary world are not so easy for us.  One I like to share is the lesson of love for all children of background, diversity and sexual orientation.  Some questions from parents arise:

How can I teach my children about respecting gender identity when the world has a negative view on LGBTQ people? How do we explain marriage is between a man and a woman, when we see same-sex parent couples rearing children?

   What can we instill in our children to ensure that their faith remain strong in such obscuring times?  For some, these are hard questions indeed.

   First we should recognize that our wonderful children are designed to fit in love of all kinds.  That is their natural habitat.  (Somewhere along the way into adulthood we lost some of that.)  

Second, there should be no barrier between people who want to give love.  Jesus Christ is the catalyst of this free love being given. 

Add diversity into your tiny child’s heart so it may grow.  The tiny heart grow’s towards humility and overshadows violence.  We teach our children that families come of all kinds and that no family is perfect.   

Mommy and Daughter, sisters in Christ.
My beautiful girl.

We lovingly explain to our children ( in an age appropriate setting) that there are many things we do not understand in this life or why some things exist. (why some people are gay and some are not) But we reassure them, that God loves every person on this planet.  We explain that God has rules; which are the commandments. They are to be followed the best of our ability.

As parents, we fear that we are teaching incorrect doctrine. But the only incorrect doctrine we will be teaching is separation. Separation between people of all color, hearts and minds. God created that we may knit the world not unravel it.

“I know thy heart, and have heard thy prayers concerning thy brethren… let thy love be for them as for thyself; and let thy love abound unto all men” (Doctrine and Covenants 112:11)


Bravery, is what I believe we can instill in our warrior children. To teach children to love all people.  Not one person is excluded from the foot of the Cross.  If we are to teach our children to model bravery, we will teach it is violence which separates us, not a person of LGBTQ identity.  Gods matchless love not only sustains the human heart but it helps it grow to see that life is full of differences.  Be beautifully made in God.  Go little children and color the world in Christs love.

Matthew 5:14  Amen

Less Daycare, More Mommies

In a Nation where Christian values are profound it suffers from the weakest family structure

     We have made it culturally acceptable to separate child from mother at such an early age. In the chimpanzee world, the infant chimp remains with its mother until the age of five. A human child doesn’t even get to experience that type of mother bonding. Statistics show that 40 percent of children under the age of five have or will be placed in a non-parental facility.

   Why must mothers allow such influence as if we are clumsily incapable, inadequate, even unequipped about raising our own children?

   When this generation is at a time of declining health, emotional instability, (video-gaming culture) spiritual neglect, poor nutrition due to decline of home cook meals, obesity, where desperate measure comes to hold our families together. Despite that evidence critics who support the ideal that early separation has no consequences through early institution, they also hold the ideal that motherhood is not a necessity but a luxury.  

    I believe that a parent’s presence should not be sporadic at the time of early development. Placing a child into a strange new environment while they are finding “attachment” to their mothers only frustrates their development of security, protection and trust.  It’s a new world out there for an infant/toddler and yet we expect the child to deal with life stresses and to be competent in living up to adult standards.

Parents have the potential to be, during at least the first fourteen years or fifteen years of life, a drastically more influential force on their children than any other person, factor, element, or group.  The family is the basic institution. Parents have the basic responsibility. “ – Linda and Richard Eyre Teaching your Children Vaules

The Nation, the Media, even your neighborly pediatrician has no idea what’s best for your child. YOU DO.

       I deeply empathize with mothers who have undergone the pain of this unnecessary separation. The unnecessary pain children must go through.  When the child is not ready to separate from the mother that’s when it becomes a problem. We breed a Nation of hidden anxiety in children.  Insecurity, little establishment on protection, emotional drainage and few trusting children to adults, and unfortunately this uneven trust leads to poor relationships with their parents.  

What Is Our Goal?

    The first goal would be, to have our Nation acknowledge that there is a problem; Not of the Daycare crisis but of missing mothers.  

 In Psychology today advocates of preserving family institutes, declare the first few years of a child’s life are most influential thus not to be taken lightly.  The healthiest and most powerful stimulant a child will gain is through physical affection. Without reliable maternal touch, a child will miss out on an opportunity to create resiliency and become a wholesome stable adult.  Can we please spare our children a little longer to be with their mothers after birth?

Second, how do we redress this imbalance?

Economic times have forced many women to work without a choice. Many women work extensive hours for very little pay. Unfortunately, women work only to pay for daycare expenses as they try to better their lives through grappling an education. Moreover, it cost more to pay for daycare than a college degree. Not every mother wants to put her child in out-of-home care.

Is there a Solution?

Families working together and getting the attention of our Country to change policies. Policies that would support both the stay-at-home mother and the working mother which ever she chooses. To assist financially by inserting an increase in the Child Tax Credit that would be used to sustain both working and non-working mothers. That is a better policy than forcing Daycare upon families who don’t want it. And hurting the family as a whole.

   The economy crisis is one we need to take heed too.  But what good will economy be if we are producing children who cannot hold productive lives coming into adulthood?  

  A catastrophe of this length will not be fixed overnight but it will give God the time to work to place a miracle on this earth for families and for the needed strengthen economy.

Married couples: If you choose, decide together to make a one-parent working family.  Sacrificing a few years of your motherly time for a tiny human being to see the world on your shoulders is a gift to them from you.   

Single-mother families: Find ways to work at home if possible.

All my other families, –stepfamilies, single-father families, like-sex parent families, adoptive families   you are recognized to uphold this same plea.

   Do everything in your power to see you make your presence for your small children a priority. Make them your investment! These small children are privileged to your time!

“Parents are still the major influence on children’s overall development, and children still need our love, our support, and our limit-setting.” David Elkind The Hurried Child

My daughter and I.

More Mothers Mean’s A Brighter Society

May the mothers, fathers, and guardians of this Nation fight to see a better society.  A strong society, a less hurried life, to make this place a wondrous, and beautiful scene for which our children can prosper.  The presence of mothers can help in lowering delinquency, crime, reduction in government welfare, teenage pregnancy, childhood obesity, less risk of latchkey kids, less medicated children, aggression, in exchange for stable adults, resiliency, self-confident, thriving, responsible law-abiding citizens that hold high moral standards and spiritual strength.

All of this to pursuit a wholesome happy child.

 “Children need care, supervision, and developmental guidance regardless of adult preoccupations, inclinations and schedules. The working mother creates problems both for the mother and the child, whether the mother works because of necessity or because of choice.” – Author Helen L. Beck Don’t Push Me, I’m No computer

Daycare Does Not Have To Be The Enemy

The word “daycare” doesn’t have to be a negative one.

  The problem is not the daycare itself but at what age children are going into daycare. We are seeing small infants as young as 2weeks old being placed in non-maternal care.  This imbalance starts early.  High quality childcare can be beneficial for age appropriate children. It can create an environment where diversity is displayed, giving children an opportunity to see another authoritative figure other than mom and allows them growth for autonomy.

    Please note, this is not about keeping women out of the workforce but keeping society from going unstable. God has given women a marvelous mission, a wonderous work to fulfill.

   God created that we are not detached but connected from the heart, a special heart from child to parent. ❤ May the Nation awaken from this awful crime.  To place back together- The Family. The most important institute to God. Amen

Toddlers out of sports and into parks

When my 18-month-old daughter got pulled into gymnastics, I was thrilled.  I was recommended by a family member to allow my daughter to reach for something other than the at-home activities.

   Sure. That sounds reasonable. “I’ll give it a go!” I said.

Of course, seeing my excited infant in her black and purple leotard, absorbing her new environment, I wanted to see what happened next.  We had 3 sessions of toddler gymnastics before I realized that fun was not so much fun.  My daughter was becoming tiredly overwhelmed with following simple instruction. “Jump here, go underneath, wrong way, take your turn!”

    In the meantime, I found hidden frustration within myself.  I questioned my own self-confidence as a parent, – Am I doing something wrong? Is something wrong with my daughter?

After the 4th session I withdrew my daughter out of toddler gymnastics.  I pondered my capabilities and then I prayed. I sought out of books that would share my concern, but more importantly, support my attitudes in preserving childhood innocence.

I was victimized by parental pressure. Experts who mean well but still misguide and mislead parents into following their programs, whether academically or to speed up a child’s athletic ability.

  After much debate, deep searching, I followed my motherly instincts. I soon realized that I was doing nothing wrong.  And nothing was wrong with my daughter; that my daughter didn’t need an organized sport to teach her how to play, she needed the oppose of that – Unstructured play that would help her reenact her new world; through innovation and through an essence of her natural abilities.  To stop and see when the sky is blue, or when raindrops hit the tin roof and fall right into her tiny hands.  Even stopping to examine the worm on the sidewalk gives for a healthy uncontrolled environment and provides a healthy stimulation that an organized sport couldn’t.

   What I learned?

   My infant child (to some who may not know, 0 months-2 are considered infants) does not require an organized sport to fulfil her social needs. A park with other children could provide that type of nourishment. Even a plus when mom is present allows the child to feel safe and confident and willing to learn.

A child will grow at her own pace. Not one child is the same.

Lastly, pressuring children beyond their maturation will only hinder their growth and dent their full potential of what they are able to become.  In contrast respecting the human development will lead to a healthy, happier child.  And a happier parent.

#Light The World

As Christmas comes around the corner, I feel my Saviors love.  Especially for my daughter and family.  I often think of what is important to me as a parent; what values I desire to instill in my precious brown-eyed, small but fierce child.  A little girl, who waits one day to light the world with a spirit that cannot be hid.  Kindness is the dream I have for my daughter. 

     Her tiny body, and gallon smile require plastic dolls, rubber balls, Lego dumps, and soft cuddle bears.  She wants toys to infinity as any toddler could dream the same. As she grows older, the plastic toys she once played with will disappear and I pray in charity that she will have learned the gentleness her mother has taught. 

 Even to love her neighbor, to welcome the stranger, uplift the weary, and show deep kindness to those in despair.  

My daughter and I sharing a moment of what brings Christmas together: Love.

   For Christmas is the time for gathering.  It is the time to seek out the one with hidden sorrow to relieve them of their pain.  It is the time to befriend the person who sits alone.  Christmas is the time to discover the gift of scripture, to sacredly discover the gift of Jesus Christ.  And with that unexchangeable gift, you will find yourself to see the world as it pinpoints to Gods loneliest sheep. 

You parents of this generation can light the world by teaching your children kindness and a zero-tolerance policy for violence, hate and bullying.  

And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.    

Continue reading “#Light The World”

To the parent of an LGBTQ youth

“I believe we rob God of his ministry when we are Selective in His ministry. “

3 NEPHI 18:25 I have commanded that none of you should go away but that ye may feel my love.

This post is dedicated to our LGBT+ brothers and sisters who are the least to be recognized for their faith.   

To the parent of an LGBTQ youth: Some of you may feel the anguish personal feeling that you have failed your child. And some of you have found joy and comfort that your child stretches to be… well, [themselves]…in a world of inhospitable social stigma.

There has been a closed door that have caused unnecessary pain in our young LGBTQ community. Unfortunately, we give the path that allows our LGBTQ brothers and sisters to go astray when we are afraid to reach out. In many ways we rob our LGBTQ community by refusing to serve them in the Gospel as God has commanded in scripture. “To take this Gospel to all Nations.”

In reality what we are doing is pushing back a person’s spiritual progression and spiritual well-being, their privileged ability to worship; even to allowing them the opportunity to know God in an intimate way.

    Christ strictly and lovingly warned that we are to love all men and that everyone will have an opportunity to hear the Gospel. 

John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

You unnecessarily contribute to the preventable despairs, fears, insecurities, and moreover the tragedy of the unwanted suicide. We play a part when we ignore the voices of acceptance among the young diversity. It is simply not our job to convert, that is the job of the Holy Ghost. As it is not our job to save, –Jesus Christ does that.

 Our job as the body of the living Christ is to promote goodness, to welcome, to teach, to inspire, that we could be that trusted servant to make this world a wonderful, beautiful place.  That is our duty. If not, That is our responsibility. 

What the world needs most is understanding and kindness. May we tackle the stigma, eliminate hate and love all of Gods sheep. ❤❤❤🙏

“Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your synagogues, or your places of worship, for unto such shall ye continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall heal them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them” (3 Nephi 18:32).


Mourn will those that mourn; comfort those who stand in need of comfort, and stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things ye may be in. Mosiah 17:9

     Some of us made friends with the dark.  Only because that dark friend gave us comfort.

  A Mental illness confirmed our identity.  As the labels got put on, our names disappeared.  We were no longer Sarah, or Jack or Megan but a patient whose desperate plea sank.  And so, we got treated as if all our challenges and struggles were the same. But God knew they were different.  He knew and felt our pain.  He didn’t judge us, He welcomed us.  As he did with the man with leprosy, and the woman who touched his garments to be washed clean. 

    I know walking with a label can be hard, not because you cannot remove it but because at times society finds a way to put it back on.  I will tell you something: Christ can remove that label.

    Depression and Anxiety magnify as the world closes in.  But that volume can be relieved through fervent prayer.  Pray with all your might and all your strength God will hear you.  We have or will find ourselves at our lowest point in our lives, even to self-destruction, abridge drinking, risky behavior, for some, coping in ways of self-mutilation and thoughts of suicide.   But all those things, these awful things are given from the world.  God our eternal Father is not from the world.  So we must reach something out of this world to receive a healing for our bodies. 

  “But how can we do this, we say?”

By letting people help you and accepting the Gospel of hope.  The Gospel is a real thing. Healing is a real thing. Miracles are real. God is real.

   You are not broken, – you are as a puzzle, missing pieces. Christ our King has the pieces that will put you together.  Some may be lost and know not where to start… May I give a few suggestions?

I call it a Holistic plan:

  1. Do not be ashamed to seek professional help nor spiritual help.  God gave each of us spiritual gifts that we may improve each other’s health and well-beings.
  2. Exercise that your mind may be sharp.  Run or walk when you can. Make it a priority!
  3. Eliminate foods and drinks that are harmful to your body, yes, I’m also talking about the alcoholic beverages! Coffee, tea, high-fatting foods, that can lower your mood rather then boost your mood.
  4. Remove people, places, things, that can cause your trigger, that may cause you to relapse.
  5. Find a good based church.  If you have one, great! Create and continue to build
  6. friendships.
  7. Gather your village.  Associate with friends, family and teachers who share the same goals, standards, values, morals and visions as you do.  I’m simply saying, hang out with people who will help you up, not bring you down.

     I live a life to tell a life. Don’t give up, keep fighting, keep believing, keep trying. Turn to Christ for all your fears, struggles, and doubts, “He will take that sickness out of you by carrying your burdens and making them light as if they don’t even exist!”   

“Just a Housewife”

Domesticity – life in the Home.

What is a home? There are many good ideals of what a home is, but I would like to use my own: A home is a place where the walls thicken to soak in love. A place of harmonious rhythm to calm the anxious soul, a place of refuge to escape the outside world, where sometimes this outside world can be an ugly place.

As God is our Heavenly parent, we are earthly parents to small human-beings. Both fathers and mothers are equally essential, but I would like to emphasize the beauty of motherhood, as mothers are the heart and soul of all families.

Today we face challenges of negative criticism of women who choose to stay home with their small children. Many are fighting to protect their home and to tackle through the parental pressures that push away domesticity. We are fighting because our family is subjectively under attack.

“You are the guardians of the hearth. You are the bearers of the children. You are they who nurture them and establish within them the habits of their lives. No other work reaches so close to divinity as does the nurturing of the sons and daughters of God.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

As Christ is the center of the Family unit -Satan is not.  When families are unbalanced, many things take place.  Although Satan may not directly proclaim his attack on the Family he does so in other ways — Encouraging against the Law of Marriage, weakening family ties by distancing families through technology, using video gaming to distract adolescent boys in hindering their spiritual growth and tempting young girls to take lightly their virtue. 

If you believe good versus evil, then here it is: Families all over the world are falling apart. The Gospel and home life are the glue that will keep families together. We are fighting to glue our society as well. And in order to do that we must realize that our children are the key stone to uplifting this crisis. Women have the responsibility to balance between careers and families. Keeping in mind the Family unit ought to be the center focus. Motherhoods contribution is placing people back into society who will be the light that will overcome darkness, hate, and violence.

    So “Just A Housewife?”  The shoulder of these brave housewives carry great faith with immovable beliefs to teach principles of the Gospel in their homes.  They carry nobility, dignity, to strengthen home life and other families. They will not be persuaded by the influences who see no need for the home.    

To end my closing plea to keep alive domesticity with devotion to our littlest members, I’d like to conclude: Your Heavenly Father loves you. His personal goal does not imply that his beloved daughters should not have lives outside the home; for all women are unique, positioned with many opportunities that were not imaginable back then, but rather it is his reminder to his daughters in the kingdom to help in raising righteous children, in humility, good works, producing peacemakers that the Wars of this world should be undone through his Son, Jesus Christ and through the examples of what was taught in the home.

In this I pray, Amen.

Continue reading ““Just a Housewife””

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

To my beloved parents, family of all kinds, and those who shape our children:

May we step back and breath in the miracles that sustain our joy.  How wonderful it is to be ordained as earthy parents during this time.  What beautiful lessons we can teach our children along this mortal journey.  

My beloved daughter whom I love beyond comprehension. You rock my world and will one day light the world with your example,
-love mom.

    We must not fear of raising a child in such an overinfluence society. As you equip your young ones with stories of the Savior, caress them with hugs of the scriptures, wrap their tiny hearts with musical hymns and carry the love for the Gospel, -they too will find the same joy, as you have found on your earthly experience.  Your children will bloom in the knowledgeable colors of doctrine, those colors will enable them to live a full-filled life of happiness, peace and reassurance. 

Even during their hardest trials, moments, fears and doubt, they can come to remembrance of what was taught by their parents: You fear nothing; God is on your right side and on your left side, accompanied with holy angels, and the spirit that is your constant companion whom will not fail you.

To this I leave with you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

The hurried life of our culture doesn’t yield for God

What pushes you away from Christ right now? Right this very second?

   Is it your phone? Is it checking your email? Or is it the episode of The Walking Dead?

“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28 -30

Whatever it is, think deep, as Christ pursues you, you constantly pursue something else. It’s playing tag and no one ever gets caught, –at least not long enough to hear what the other person is saying. How could we slow down a hurried life? The hurried life of our culture doesn’t yield for God. He displays hidden sorrow as he must fight for our attention against the fashions of technology. In this era, we call it “screen life.” Our life literally is in it.

It’s a question to ask ourselves, “Could my life increase in happiness? could the spirit be poured more abundantly upon me? even to comforting my anxieties?“

He is not asking much of you, only a portion of your time. But are you willing to give it? See how God can change your circumstances, spare your failures, ease your scars, when you find the courage to walk away from an influence of obsessive online media where everything changes every second but not God. Not his love for you.

And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen