I love Jesus Christ because <3

I love Jesus Christ because he sends me angels in my time of need..

When I’m down and needing help He never lets go of me.

He tells me to work hard, never give up and I shall succeed.

I fall in dirt when the adversary comes around ..

I tell him that I have a Savior who won’t let me fail, there I follow his footsteps, words, where my joy shall abound.

I am a child of God.. I will not be defeated, nor surrender my salvation.

I will let God prevail and allow my life to benefit his creation.

So let the storm rage on.. I am not afraid for I believe in Christ the living king who is my refugee.

I will always abide in Him because it was He who first loved me. ❤

Have Christians become soft in preaching the Gospel?

I belong to one of the strictest religions in the world, where we are known for our high moral standards.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints I am devoted to preaching the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am anxious to teach with a welcome heart that all should listen to what God has to say. The scriptures are plain of what is expected of us. Your Savior says, the flesh should not be your home, but that the spirit should be your fortress.

Throughout the bible we read, “teach nothing but repentance unto the children of men.” But as disciples, and as faithful Christians are we doing just that? Are we to be angry with the people who have rebelled against God? Or should we meet people half way?

Some preachers say half way isn’t good enough. You have to tell the unrepentant how it is. Straight up. Whether they want to hear it or not. In my ministry I have been seen as having too much “compassion” or too much mercy.

I look at people from whence they came. I deepen my eyes to see their stories. I conclude with my heart that they try, most of them doing this alone. But as taught in 1 corinthians “Charity never fails.” Gods love never outgrows the stranger. We see others as they are until they will become.

So it is up to you how you view whether Christians barriers have dropped or if we simply want to love people at the moment, allowing them a relationship with God no matter what place of life they are in, praying their conversion will continue. Amen.

“LIKES” do they define your identity?

‘There is more to this life than trying to accomplish “LIKES.”

I’ve found that our lives are driven by external accomplishments. Looking into adults dealing with anxiety to the youth experiencing depression by the endless performance to maintain their social-networking profiles.

Why people feel so empty inside is a reaction to their online world. How we rush to the sound of the clingy notification. How adrenaline raises as the push button of a “LIKE” is tapped on our social media page. We often experience envy as we compare ourselves to those who seem to have it “all together.”

While that is certainly not true you are exploiting yourself to uncertainty, pain, and loneliness that dwells from an online site that gives you no comfort in return. You continue spending time, draining your energy to a social media page that will slowly fade your identity. Heavenly Father, who knows exactly what you’re going through, who knows exactly how to comfort you, even allowing you to see and accomplish the impossible without using the wires of technology can guide you to your eternal worth.

In my experience yes, I believe there is MORE to this life than the “LIKES” you view on a daily basis.

With God, with faith, and finding the real version of YOUSELF, you will rediscover who you are made in the image of God!

To this I leave with you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

It starts with God (Year, 2021)

We all seek happiness.

We urge to find something tangible that will fulfill us. But I can tell you that social media will not fulfill you. The latest luxury handbag will not fulfill you. The newest reality TV show will not fulfill you.

“GOD” will fulfill you.

The Lord can reopen dreams that seemed closed for a long time. You are not allowed to limit yourself. The words, “All things are possible with God” are not only words, it is TRUE doctrine that comes alive when you can simply BELIEVE!!

Why Change is possible with Jesus Christ

What kind of change would we like to see in our lives? Is it too eliminate an addiction or to spend less time on social media to be involved in good works? Or maybe its to change the way you live so that the voice of the Lord can be heard.

I will shortly, plainly and joyfully tell you miracles do not cease with God. They unfold. I will stir ingredients to get you started on the change you seek.

First, you must know the source of where transformation happens. It starts with a will and a foot to move forward. Whatever you’re going through right now — get up. The kings and Queens of God do not walk with their heads down. Each footstep that may seem hard right now, will shake the adversary, there is no room for His place!

Second, the sacred event of the atonement, which Jesus Christ bore our sins allowed that we could have a second chance. No matter the mistakes we have made or a haunted past that keeps us up at night — He has an answer. Forgiveness.

You will see that as you seek for His hand, his heart and ears will open for you. There is a place for you right beside him in the kingdom of His Glory. God expects change.

But change only happens when you believe that that change is possible. And oh, is it possible with the Lord Jesus Christ who opened the road to your transformation! Conversion is a life long process, be patient with yourself. Love yourself. Those holes that you feel in your heart can be replaced with peace that surpasses all understanding, the pain from a past mistake can not only be restored but it can be filled to be whole again!

There are so many blessings and opportunities when you decide to walk on water!

I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Daycare or At-Home care?

I know many wonderful moms who have good intentions on bringing up well rounded children. Even righteous children of God. Because of pressures of society, women are torn between choosing a domestic life or a career. Leaving them to abandon their home life because what is depicted on movies, social media, and the false image of what a contemporary mother looks like.

Valuing Motherhood/But not against Daycare

I am a true advocate for valuing motherhood, and it’s sacred role in Gods kingdom, the power to change society one child at a time because of the continuum involvement in the child’s life. With that said, I am not against Daycare. But I will say that Daycare if possible should be the second choice. A mothers presence in my opinion and her love for God should always be the first.

Reasons why we institutionalized early

Lets face it, the economy is hard. Most work to provide basic needs, food, shelter, clothing and medical care. Children thrive from the human presence, the heartbeat of their mother calms them, the voice of their father directs them. More weight for a child to succeed is through the support, involvement, guidance and energy given throughout their lives. That is how they will prosper. Money alone, will not guarantee that. As you put your trust in God he will provide all that is missing, all that needs correcting, all that needs you – your children.

Second Reason Social skills

Many parents worry that their children are not getting enough socialization. Depending upon the age of the child daycare could provide for a rich fun, exiting experience. It could help increase in language, and with coping skills. Groups for age appropriate children can help build their resiliency in dealing with other kids and allow them to self-regulate their emotions.

My concerns, personal opinion and belief about Daycare

  1. The Ratio is too big: The negative side of Daycare is that there is too many children assigned to a single adult. It is impossible to give each child the individual attention they desire or to stop to answer a question from their growing curiosity. The teacher may even miss a child who holds a sad face who is having a bad day. Children who experience feelings of being left out may harm their self-confidence rather than grow it.
  2. Issues with potty training restrictions: Daycares and schools contribute to the very sick constipated child. Schools ask unreasonable demands on toddlers. The age policy forces parents to potty train their children early. Majority of children have not made the brain and bladder connection leaving them holding their pee and poop all day. This leads to toileting issues and chronic constipation.
  3. Two-Year-Olds are not yet vocal: While many small children love to interact, they cannot yet express themselves vocally. If they are in need of something, not always will they have the confidence to ask an adult for help. With a limited language skill, a child can become frustrated, overly emotional, resulting in clinginess and aggression at home. Hidden anxiety may be displayed however teaching your child sigh language could alleviate some of these downfalls.
  4. Lack of nutrition/missing opportunity/Feeding schedule : Wellness and nutrition play a huge role in how a child will learn, adapt and connect. College students for example are told to drink plenty of water as this will clear the brain to think more clearly than would drinking caffeinated beverages. If mothers have the time, energy and resources they could provide a rich environment at home where a nutritional meal plan is consistent. The child will learn good eating habits as you set the example, and as they get older they will be able to choose healthier food choices rather than cave into the temptations of the advertisements that are everywhere! They will also learn about food behavior, responding to food because they are hungry rather than responding to their hunger because of sadness, boredom or guilt. Daycare will interfere with this type of schedule.

Finally, as the same as every child does not need daycare or preschool, having children at home is not always the best option for mom. She may truly want to work and if she can’t, that may cause her to become depressed, leaving the house feeling dark and the child will feel it. Second reason a mother may not be equipped to deal with frustration, or have the patience to deal with one or more child at a time. All women’s circumstances should be handled with genuine understanding and support. Leaving this I wish to invite all mothers to pray for what they need, what is best for their child and in hardships, cry unto the Lord for deliverance. (Psalm 34:4) To all my other wonderful moms in need of guidance, I hoped this helps! ❤ Good luck! 🙂

Color the sky, not Black or White but with Gods good love

2 Nephi 26:33

He inviteth them all to come unto Him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto Him, Black, and White, bond and free, male and female

     As a Hispanic girl growing up, I have experience racism in my little town.  I have seen my Father being mistreated because of the color of his skin.  I have seen the eyes of white people look at my father, as if he deserved less.   

Red and Yellow Black and White they are precious in His sight Jesus loves the little children of the world

     And decades later after Marin Luther King we still see forms of racism creep into the lens of good parents and grandparents.  For example, when a child comes out light skinned, it’s seen as a celebration, a relief.  But when a child comes out dark skinned it becomes an insensitive joke about pigmentation.  Do light skinned children get treated differently than dark skinned children? Yes, yes, they do.  We are too subconscious too notice.  

     In my religion, there are attacks on our theology, including being racist.  Where many people assume that the church is “white-only” When they don’t know that most members of Latter-Day Saints are non-white in a global perspective.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a GLOBAL IDENTITY.  It is NOT a race/color identity.  All hearts are in this church.  Including my heart, where I am dark skinned among many white friends who don’t see my color at all.  So, the questions lies: “How can society help with racial inequality to bring upon racial peace?”  Maybe you’ll find it in John 15:12.

I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ Amen 

Jesus Christ: Do you Hear Him?

There are many who have felt God’s love. And there are many who have not had that chance; Where the Gospel has not yet reach them, even more sadly, may not reach them in this life time.

    As we hold the title Christians to our hearts, do we truly know what we’re suppose to do with it?  Even more so how we should represent God?

     The scriptures testify of Jesus Christ, his mission, and his life.  What he lived for.  What he taught and what he died for.  Peoples lives that have been changed through Him, are also testimonies of who He is and how they hear Him.  Sharing my own personal testimony of the Savior, my redeemer; Without a doubt in my mind, Jesus is the Christ.   He lives.  He is the begotten Son of the Father.  His mission was selfless, His only true goal was to ensure we had lives that reached beyond our dreams. 

     When our pain couldn’t be rendered God gave us hope.  He fed us strength.  He banished our broken dreams.  He cured our anxieties. The only dream Jesus Christ would hope to fulfill is to see each of his children return back home to Him. To live with Him again.

     But you see, He puts complete trust in us that we could minister to others, so that his word, his light and truth would be known His physical body is temporally absent but his spirit lives in us.  Those who take up the name of Christ, have a sacred responsibility to share the Doctrine that all his children would get a chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   We need not to hide our Bibles away or bury scripture underneath where dust makes its way home.   But rather we should show our faith by directing people to the holy scriptures, speaking of Christ, and denying Him not.     

So do we hear Him? Every path you take, someone is waiting for an answer.   They are waiting to know if there really is a God.   If their lives really have purpose and meaning.   So be thou example and lead the way. We all need rescuing. We are all in need of forgiveness. Hope faith and compassion. ❤

In Jesus I pray, Amen

When tragedy hits: Do we flight or faith?

I recently heard a story of a Christian couple who was brutally murdered in their home, shot to death by an invader.   The couple survived three small children.   To make this thing personal, they were my own, in my congregational circle.   Its shocking. Sickening.  It’s incomprehensible. A tragedy that shakes the nation.   The evil in this plot and other evils around the world are those who have allowed Satan to take them captive.  I do believe Satan’s army is lurking.  When we jolt, he grins from ear to ear, He wants us to fear more than life itself.  But how do we respond to such horrific events?   When tragedy hits what do we do?

Are we to bolt more locks on our front door? Are we too buy more ammunition? Will we lead our children into a life of fearing?  To stay within our own circle and flight as strangers arise?  Training our children to think that every person they encounter, might harm them and may be a possible “bad guy?”  instead of someone who may be a friend?

The intruder, the criminal mind, the murder of the spirit will NOT hold a place in your hearts.  These concerns may awaken trembling questions from groups of people as follow:

To the atheist, who may question God: You ask these people to follow you, but you provide no safety?

To the person who is trying to believe:  Good people die, why? It only dents my faith more.

To the Christian who has always been faithful: The spirit is a bit frighten.

     God never said there would be no trouble here.  But rather he said be aware of the wolves that lie and wait.  He reminds us that those who hear him are his sheep, those who hear him not are not his sheep.   We are the faithful disciples of his Son Jesus Christ.

We have the DNA of his fighting spirit.   You will not cowardly hide yourselves or bow with the tail between your legs.   There is more of good people than a few growling wolves who try to take us out.  I know that you and I are the army of Christ that battles forward, ensuring the faith in others that we still stand.   That we are still here, we are still praying, we are still believing, we are still worshiping.  There can be no amount of crime or magnitude which can dilute our faith.  The precious lives that have robbed and been taken too early, those we pray for and mourn for, those that no longer have earthly voices; But they have ours.   We can live for them.  We can continue their legacy of stewardship, fellowship, and there known Christlike attributes that contagiously catch our hearts. 

     We can and WILL overthrow the cycle of fear, letting our light be known that it cannot be cast down.

Doctrine and Covenants 6:34-36

Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.  Look unto me in every though; doubt not, fear not. 

“The most important work is obtaining a spiritual education”

This is Sophia. Also a future missionary. Most parents prepare anxiously their child’s formal education. Preparing them all their lives to get selected to a school of their choice. ( And isn’t that exciting?!)

But as for other parents, like myself, who believe there is so much more to life than formal education alone – The belief in God and missionary work that makes us whole and fully complete, than one aspect of life ever will.

We can fully support the dreams of our Savior by preparing our children to serve in missions firstly. (Their spiritual education) Everything else will be added to them. Matthew 6:33

… to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ the only thing that will save the world from the calamities of our own self-destruction. And uniting all men of all race, and nationalities in peace. Amen