Who Am I? A thought of a Christian

My name is Darcel Rossette often I refer myself as Sister Rossette. Many times, I think how the world is so noisy that it can interrupt my faith. But I don’t let it. I am just like everyone else who has had to fight to maintain a relationship with God. A deep relationship with God.Continue reading “Who Am I? A thought of a Christian”

“Abused women.” “Can you regain your confidence?”

Abuser: “men who chronically make their partners feel mistreated or devalued.” God has placed women as a special flower to man. Adam was created, not because women needed a man but because God knew men needed a women. We see, the rib that was taken from Adam, the Lord blessed, and created a woman- “Eve”Continue reading ““Abused women.” “Can you regain your confidence?””

The Book of Mormon

What is The Book of Mormon? I have never heard of The Book of Mormon up until my early twenties when I was a young student at Texas Tech University. It was then when two sister missionaries approached me. When The Book of Mormon was placed into my hand, I felt an instant connection. IContinue reading “The Book of Mormon”

Preserving your identity in Motherhood

Motherhood: a time where your energy is invested to expand the life into another tiny human being and can be the most rewarding event of your life. “I’m tired!” “I’m overwhelmed!” “I get no time to myself!” I understand all three of these complaints all too perfectly. While motherhood is so special, it can alsoContinue reading “Preserving your identity in Motherhood”

The end of literacy and the triumph of TikTok

“In 2007, 80 percent of the families in the United States did not buy or read a book. There are 7 million illiterate Americans. Another 27 million are unable to read well enough to complete a job application, and 30 million can’t read a simple sentence. Illiteracy is epidemic. ” – Empire of Illusion ChrisContinue reading “The end of literacy and the triumph of TikTok”

Six ways to help children grow spiritually

We all secretly desire for perfect kids. We want respectful children. We want them to be obedient. We want them to Say, “Please, Thank you, You’re welcome.” But the truth is we don’t get to have those kids right away. Some anthropology: Expect children to be disrespectful, violent, even savages at times. (I know, it’sContinue reading “Six ways to help children grow spiritually”

“Can’t pray the Gay away” -A walk in my shoes Ben Schilaty

       We have Christians in a battle to convert the “untamed” a theology that “if we convert these people, they will snap out of their awful ways” and we would all live happier lives. It’s an ideal presented one way to think.  One way to live.  One way to love. One way toContinue reading ““Can’t pray the Gay away” -A walk in my shoes Ben Schilaty”

Delusional Society We have tricked ourselves into a world of happiness

“Feeling blue? Doctors now say you can lie yourself into happiness. By creating self-deceptions, no matter how negative [your problem], it can be turned into a positive and you’ll have greater [happiness].” – Radio Advertisement A bag of trickery is what becomes of us. The world is caving in. It is feeding the human mindContinue reading “Delusional Society We have tricked ourselves into a world of happiness”

Children and table manners gone wrong

When Jesus Christ administered the Sacrament known as the last supper He not only gave his disciples simple instructions but He also showed them ways of good table manners. Matthew 26 The modern table manners today are taking out your electronic device while eating. It is avoiding human contact for the sake of inconvenience andContinue reading “Children and table manners gone wrong”