“Abused women.” “Can you regain your confidence?”

Abuser: “men who chronically make their partners feel mistreated or devalued.”

God has placed women as a special flower to man. Adam was created, not because women needed a man but because God knew men needed a women.

We see, the rib that was taken from Adam, the Lord blessed, and created a woman- “Eve” that she could accompany man in the imbalances of his life. But Adam did not see Eve as equal. Genesis 2:22-23

Since the beginning, this ideal that women remain below men tragically continue. We have become so custom to being mistreated by our partners that it seems a normal part of our relationships. The abuse is tricky, sneaky and manipulative that at times we don’t even recognize it.

It is not that women do not have the power to get out of an abusive relationship. It is the value that has been reduced along the way from her abuser. The abuser has left her so diminished she has lost her identity, her dreams, her dignity and the human in her.

But the sun still shines and birds still chirp, the mountains still thrive, and the wind still sings. An abused woman in the same way raises to her feet. She cheers for the deliverance as the chains fall off her ankles. She sprints to her freedom, and STOMPS on fear.

The entitlement is not his, but it is hers. She has the special rights and privileges to not allow disrespect. She is more intelligent, more competent, more logical and more spiritually adequate to stand up to her giants.

Regaining your confidence begins by taking back what’s yours. Once it begins, you emerge into this special flower that was hidden and now is seen. ❤


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