Bipolar Disorder come knock on my door

John 9:3

And his disciples asked him, saying Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be manifested in him.

My memory trails off from waves of abuse — the illness that said was my friend. My abuser came as it pleased with stones to weigh me down. I could not see anything in my path that was good. Because everything the illness brought was destructive. Including my life.

There are some nightmare’s that are strong to drink. I’d rather empty the glass as some alcoholics hide their bottles of wine. I tried nailing my old shadow along with the illness but in its persistence kept knocking on my door. The frightening thing was — there was no one there to help me.

During the fatal moment of my life, two women entered my presence. They shared a short message with me. That deliverance completely changed my course. They gave me a bag of hope and filled it with scripture. I never knew people could be so happy.

Baptism came and so did my life. Now I understand the verse very clearly. A mental illness does not define you nor is it sinful. It is a condition that allows God to display miracles. And through the mighty hands of God did it prevail in me.

I have been manic-depressive free for Ten years now. No longer are stones that weigh me down but love from God that lift me. So I say now, “Bipolar Disorder come knock on my door,– Jesus Christ– will knock ten times harder.”

I leave my testimony with you, that Jesus Christ lives, He heals, and that He loves you! Don’t give up. Amen

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