Have Christians become soft in preaching the Gospel?

I belong to one of the strictest religions in the world, where we are known for our high moral standards.

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints I am devoted to preaching the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am anxious to teach with a welcome heart that all should listen to what God has to say. The scriptures are plain of what is expected of us. Your Savior says, the flesh should not be your home, but that the spirit should be your fortress.

Throughout the bible we read, “teach nothing but repentance unto the children of men.” But as disciples, and as faithful Christians are we doing just that? Are we to be angry with the people who have rebelled against God? Or should we meet people half way?

Some preachers say half way isn’t good enough. You have to tell the unrepentant how it is. Straight up. Whether they want to hear it or not. In my ministry I have been seen as having too much “compassion” or too much mercy.

I look at people from whence they came. I deepen my eyes to see their stories. I conclude with my heart that they try, most of them doing this alone. But as taught in 1 corinthians “Charity never fails.” Gods love never outgrows the stranger. We see others as they are until they will become.

So it is up to you how you view whether Christians barriers have dropped or if we simply want to love people at the moment, allowing them a relationship with God no matter what place of life they are in, praying their conversion will continue. Amen.

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