Daycare or At-Home care?

I know many wonderful moms who have good intentions on bringing up well rounded children. Even righteous children of God. Because of pressures of society, women are torn between choosing a domestic life or a career. Leaving them to abandon their home life because what is depicted on movies, social media, and the false image of what a contemporary mother looks like.

Valuing Motherhood/But not against Daycare

I am a true advocate for valuing motherhood, and it’s sacred role in Gods kingdom, the power to change society one child at a time because of the continuum involvement in the child’s life. With that said, I am not against Daycare. But I will say that Daycare if possible should be the second choice. A mothers presence in my opinion and her love for God should always be the first.

Reasons why we institutionalized early

Lets face it, the economy is hard. Most work to provide basic needs, food, shelter, clothing and medical care. Children thrive from the human presence, the heartbeat of their mother calms them, the voice of their father directs them. More weight for a child to succeed is through the support, involvement, guidance and energy given throughout their lives. That is how they will prosper. Money alone, will not guarantee that. As you put your trust in God he will provide all that is missing, all that needs correcting, all that needs you – your children.

Second Reason Social skills

Many parents worry that their children are not getting enough socialization. Depending upon the age of the child daycare could provide for a rich fun, exiting experience. It could help increase in language, and with coping skills. Groups for age appropriate children can help build their resiliency in dealing with other kids and allow them to self-regulate their emotions.

My concerns, personal opinion and belief about Daycare

  1. The Ratio is too big: The negative side of Daycare is that there is too many children assigned to a single adult. It is impossible to give each child the individual attention they desire or to stop to answer a question from their growing curiosity. The teacher may even miss a child who holds a sad face who is having a bad day. Children who experience feelings of being left out may harm their self-confidence rather than grow it.
  2. Issues with potty training restrictions: Daycares and schools contribute to the very sick constipated child. Schools ask unreasonable demands on toddlers. The age policy forces parents to potty train their children early. Majority of children have not made the brain and bladder connection leaving them holding their pee and poop all day. This leads to toileting issues and chronic constipation.
  3. Two-Year-Olds are not yet vocal: While many small children love to interact, they cannot yet express themselves vocally. If they are in need of something, not always will they have the confidence to ask an adult for help. With a limited language skill, a child can become frustrated, overly emotional, resulting in clinginess and aggression at home. Hidden anxiety may be displayed however teaching your child sigh language could alleviate some of these downfalls.
  4. Lack of nutrition/missing opportunity/Feeding schedule : Wellness and nutrition play a huge role in how a child will learn, adapt and connect. College students for example are told to drink plenty of water as this will clear the brain to think more clearly than would drinking caffeinated beverages. If mothers have the time, energy and resources they could provide a rich environment at home where a nutritional meal plan is consistent. The child will learn good eating habits as you set the example, and as they get older they will be able to choose healthier food choices rather than cave into the temptations of the advertisements that are everywhere! They will also learn about food behavior, responding to food because they are hungry rather than responding to their hunger because of sadness, boredom or guilt. Daycare will interfere with this type of schedule.

Finally, as the same as every child does not need daycare or preschool, having children at home is not always the best option for mom. She may truly want to work and if she can’t, that may cause her to become depressed, leaving the house feeling dark and the child will feel it. Second reason a mother may not be equipped to deal with frustration, or have the patience to deal with one or more child at a time. All women’s circumstances should be handled with genuine understanding and support. Leaving this I wish to invite all mothers to pray for what they need, what is best for their child and in hardships, cry unto the Lord for deliverance. (Psalm 34:4) To all my other wonderful moms in need of guidance, I hoped this helps! ❤ Good luck! 🙂

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