Jesus Christ: Do you Hear Him?

There are many who have felt God’s love. And there are many who have not had that chance; Where the Gospel has not yet reach them, even more sadly, may not reach them in this life time.

    As we hold the title Christians to our hearts, do we truly know what we’re suppose to do with it?  Even more so how we should represent God?

     The scriptures testify of Jesus Christ, his mission, and his life.  What he lived for.  What he taught and what he died for.  Peoples lives that have been changed through Him, are also testimonies of who He is and how they hear Him.  Sharing my own personal testimony of the Savior, my redeemer; Without a doubt in my mind, Jesus is the Christ.   He lives.  He is the begotten Son of the Father.  His mission was selfless, His only true goal was to ensure we had lives that reached beyond our dreams. 

     When our pain couldn’t be rendered God gave us hope.  He fed us strength.  He banished our broken dreams.  He cured our anxieties. The only dream Jesus Christ would hope to fulfill is to see each of his children return back home to Him. To live with Him again.

     But you see, He puts complete trust in us that we could minister to others, so that his word, his light and truth would be known His physical body is temporally absent but his spirit lives in us.  Those who take up the name of Christ, have a sacred responsibility to share the Doctrine that all his children would get a chance to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   We need not to hide our Bibles away or bury scripture underneath where dust makes its way home.   But rather we should show our faith by directing people to the holy scriptures, speaking of Christ, and denying Him not.     

So do we hear Him? Every path you take, someone is waiting for an answer.   They are waiting to know if there really is a God.   If their lives really have purpose and meaning.   So be thou example and lead the way. We all need rescuing. We are all in need of forgiveness. Hope faith and compassion. ❤

In Jesus I pray, Amen

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