Less Daycare, More Mommies

In a Nation where Christian values are profound it suffers from the weakest family structure

     We have made it culturally acceptable to separate child from mother at such an early age. In the chimpanzee world, the infant chimp remains with its mother until the age of five. A human child doesn’t even get to experience that type of mother bonding. Statistics show that 40 percent of children under the age of five have or will be placed in a non-parental facility.

   Why must mothers allow such influence as if we are clumsily incapable, inadequate, even unequipped about raising our own children?

   When this generation is at a time of declining health, emotional instability, (video-gaming culture) spiritual neglect, poor nutrition due to decline of home cook meals, obesity, where desperate measure comes to hold our families together. Despite that evidence critics who support the ideal that early separation has no consequences through early institution, they also hold the ideal that motherhood is not a necessity but a luxury.  

    I believe that a parent’s presence should not be sporadic at the time of early development. Placing a child into a strange new environment while they are finding “attachment” to their mothers only frustrates their development of security, protection and trust.  It’s a new world out there for an infant/toddler and yet we expect the child to deal with life stresses and to be competent in living up to adult standards.

Parents have the potential to be, during at least the first fourteen years or fifteen years of life, a drastically more influential force on their children than any other person, factor, element, or group.  The family is the basic institution. Parents have the basic responsibility. “ – Linda and Richard Eyre Teaching your Children Vaules

The Nation, the Media, even your neighborly pediatrician has no idea what’s best for your child. YOU DO.

       I deeply empathize with mothers who have undergone the pain of this unnecessary separation. The unnecessary pain children must go through.  When the child is not ready to separate from the mother that’s when it becomes a problem. We breed a Nation of hidden anxiety in children.  Insecurity, little establishment on protection, emotional drainage and few trusting children to adults, and unfortunately this uneven trust leads to poor relationships with their parents.  

What Is Our Goal?

    The first goal would be, to have our Nation acknowledge that there is a problem; Not of the Daycare crisis but of missing mothers.  

 In Psychology today advocates of preserving family institutes, declare the first few years of a child’s life are most influential thus not to be taken lightly.  The healthiest and most powerful stimulant a child will gain is through physical affection. Without reliable maternal touch, a child will miss out on an opportunity to create resiliency and become a wholesome stable adult.  Can we please spare our children a little longer to be with their mothers after birth?

Second, how do we redress this imbalance?

Economic times have forced many women to work without a choice. Many women work extensive hours for very little pay. Unfortunately, women work only to pay for daycare expenses as they try to better their lives through grappling an education. Moreover, it cost more to pay for daycare than a college degree. Not every mother wants to put her child in out-of-home care.

Is there a Solution?

Families working together and getting the attention of our Country to change policies. Policies that would support both the stay-at-home mother and the working mother which ever she chooses. To assist financially by inserting an increase in the Child Tax Credit that would be used to sustain both working and non-working mothers. That is a better policy than forcing Daycare upon families who don’t want it. And hurting the family as a whole.

   The economy crisis is one we need to take heed too.  But what good will economy be if we are producing children who cannot hold productive lives coming into adulthood?  

  A catastrophe of this length will not be fixed overnight but it will give God the time to work to place a miracle on this earth for families and for the needed strengthen economy.

Married couples: If you choose, decide together to make a one-parent working family.  Sacrificing a few years of your motherly time for a tiny human being to see the world on your shoulders is a gift to them from you.   

Single-mother families: Find ways to work at home if possible.

All my other families, –stepfamilies, single-father families, like-sex parent families, adoptive families   you are recognized to uphold this same plea.

   Do everything in your power to see you make your presence for your small children a priority. Make them your investment! These small children are privileged to your time!

“Parents are still the major influence on children’s overall development, and children still need our love, our support, and our limit-setting.” David Elkind The Hurried Child

My daughter and I.

More Mothers Mean’s A Brighter Society

May the mothers, fathers, and guardians of this Nation fight to see a better society.  A strong society, a less hurried life, to make this place a wondrous, and beautiful scene for which our children can prosper.  The presence of mothers can help in lowering delinquency, crime, reduction in government welfare, teenage pregnancy, childhood obesity, less risk of latchkey kids, less medicated children, aggression, in exchange for stable adults, resiliency, self-confident, thriving, responsible law-abiding citizens that hold high moral standards and spiritual strength.

All of this to pursuit a wholesome happy child.

 “Children need care, supervision, and developmental guidance regardless of adult preoccupations, inclinations and schedules. The working mother creates problems both for the mother and the child, whether the mother works because of necessity or because of choice.” – Author Helen L. Beck Don’t Push Me, I’m No computer

Daycare Does Not Have To Be The Enemy

The word “daycare” doesn’t have to be a negative one.

  The problem is not the daycare itself but at what age children are going into daycare. We are seeing small infants as young as 2weeks old being placed in non-maternal care.  This imbalance starts early.  High quality childcare can be beneficial for age appropriate children. It can create an environment where diversity is displayed, giving children an opportunity to see another authoritative figure other than mom and allows them growth for autonomy.

    Please note, this is not about keeping women out of the workforce but keeping society from going unstable. God has given women a marvelous mission, a wonderous work to fulfill.

   God created that we are not detached but connected from the heart, a special heart from child to parent. ❤ May the Nation awaken from this awful crime.  To place back together- The Family. The most important institute to God. Amen

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